Sweet Potato Bounty

A bunch of green leaves and vines that were slowly yellowing in the colder weather. That was all there was to see above ground in our garden. But underground? That’s where the treasure was!

A couple weeks ago in the growing darkness, groups of kids and adults went out to Patchwork’s garden to dig for the treasure: sweet potatoes. Vines were pulled back and dirt flew. Did our plants have a good summer? Had we kept them happy and healthy in our soil?

The results were quickly apparent. Yes! It had been a very good year. The kids stood on the edge of the raised bed then dove into the earth to pull out sweet potato after sweet potato. First came a tiny one. Then a long skinny one. Then a really big, fat one. Bill Hemminger held shovels for kids to stomp on them, driving them deeper to seek out every root.

Every year, it seems that there is one youth who has a particularly good sense about where more sweet potatoes are hiding. This year it was the youngest in the bunch who had a knack for plunging his hands into the earth and coming up with another potato, even after the older kids had worked over the spot several times with their shovels.

Our boxes quickly filled with sweet potatoes. Darkness continued to fall, and we finished our work by the light of a cell phone flashlight. Then the group returned indoors, a little muddy yet triumphant.

Our sweet potatoes have been curing in the weeks since so their skins can thicken and some starches convert to sugars. Next week we hope to eat some of them and will send more home for families to enjoy.

We’re very grateful to the Master Gardeners of Southwestern Indiana for helping us tend our garden all year and to Bill Hemminger for fearlessly leading the flying shovels and enthusiastic harvesters.

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